Minnesota Supreme Court – in Conflicting Opinions – Issues Further Guidance to Practitioners on the Filing Requirements of Rule 5.04(a)

Minnesota Supreme Court – in Conflicting Opinions – Issues Further Guidance to Practitioners on the Filing Requirements of Rule 5.04(a)

The 2013 amendments to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure enacted substantial changes to Rule 5.04(a), which now plays a crucial role in determining the timeliness of filing a case. It brought about significant change to the long-standing practice of so-called...
Mastering Summary Judgment: Strategies to Seal Your Case With Precision

Mastering Summary Judgment: Strategies to Seal Your Case With Precision

In the legal realm, summary judgment is a crucial procedural tool that allows parties to seek a prompt resolution of a case without going through a full trial. Prevailing on summary judgment is much less costly than proceeding through trial. To succeed in obtaining a...
Minnesota Supreme Court Adopts the Common Interest Doctrine

Minnesota Supreme Court Adopts the Common Interest Doctrine

Attorney-client privilege is the bedrock of the American legal system. It allows clients to speak openly and honestly with their counselors in a way that guarantees the free flow of information and ideas necessary for effective representation. But when numerous...