In the new millennium, employee mobility is the norm. Gone are the halcyon days when employees worked for one company for their entire career. One consequence of greater employee mobility is the proliferation of trade secret claims. When an employee leaves one company...
Why Courts Should Not Admit CSA Scores as Evidence
John Crawford co-authored an article in the December 2012 For the Defense magazine. "It is well known that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) launched its newest program to track the performance of commercial motor vehicles in 2010. The program,...
How to Get Damaging Evidence From Litigants’ Social Media Sites: Practice Tips in Dealing With the Stored Communications Act
John Crawford co-authored an article in the October 2012 edition of The Transportation Lawyer magazine. “'Social media' is a relatively new term and covers a wide range of websites that allow users to create an on-line profile to share pictures, comments, messages,...
Ethical Considerations
Marc Johannsen presented at the June 29, 2012 video webcast by the National Business Institute, "Civil Trial Case Presentation: From Start to Finish." Marc's presentation on Ethical Considerations covered the following topics: Rules of professional conduct you must...
Securing an Unbiased Arbitrator
Kelly Sofio spoke to the Twin Cities Claims Association along with co-presenter David Larrabee in 2011 on the topic of "Securing an Unbiased Arbitrator."
Duty to Defend
John Crawford spoke at the Minnesota Insurance Law Deskbook & Seminar on July 18, 2011 for Minnesota CLE. Session description: Duty to Defend: An interactive presentation discussing duty to defend, when attorney’s fees are recoverable in coverage disputes,...
Minnesota Insurance Law Deskbook, 4th Edition
John Crawford serves as Editor-in-Chief for the Minnesota Insurance Law Deskbook, 4th Edition (2011) (Updated 2015). In addition to serving as the Deskbook's editor, John wrote chapter 6 of the Deskbook regarding the duty to defend. Read the full article.
Preserving Issues for Appeal: Post-Trial Motions
Kay Hunt moderated a panel during the Fifth Annual Appellate Practice Institute by Minnesota CLE on March 4, 2011, “Preserving Issues for Appeal: Post-Trial Motions.” Panel description: The appellate process actually starts well before the notice of appeal is...
Watch and Learn: A Unique Approach to Learning About Effective Motion Practice
Kay Hunt spoke on February 25, 2011 at a seminar presented by the Hennepin County Bar Association on the topic, “Watch and Learn: A Unique Approach to Learning About Effective Motion Practice.” Program description: One of the best ways to learn how to argue...
Judicial Ride-Along Program: Another Look
Kathleen Loucks wrote and article in the 2011 Hennepin Lawyer on her experience with the Judicial Ride-Along Program in Hennepin County. "I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the Hennepin County Judicial Ride-Along Program last spring. My interest was...
The District Court No-Fault Trial: The Adjuster is the Key
As medical and wage loss expense claims continue to rise for even the most minor car accidents, post-termination claims are growing as well. In order to get the full amount of medicals considered along with any wage loss or replacement services claims, Plaintiffs...
Insurance for Litigators Webcast
John Crawford spoke on August 30, 2010 at the "Insurance for Litigators" webcast presented by Minnesota CLE. John's co-presenter was Mike Rothman.
‘Going Green’ Must Start at Company’s Top
"'Going green' must start at the company's top," an article authored by Bob Abdo, Lommen Abdo, and Kim Carlson, EarthSmart LLC, was published in the April/May 2010 Upsize Minnesota Magazine. Also in that issue is a profile discussing Lommen Abdo's own initiatives and...
Minor Compromises: State by State Summary (Minnesota)
John Crawford authored an article in July of 2010 for the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section titled “Minor Compromises: State by State Summary (Minnesota). Read the full article.
Nonprofit Organization Check-Up
Now is the right time to review and evaluate the organization and operation of your nonprofit organization. Enforcement activity of tax-exempt organizations has increased exponentially by both the Internal Revenue Service and states attorneys general. Failure to...
Governing Green: The Use of “Green Policies” in Corporate Strategy
Bob Abdo spoke on December 8, 2009 at a Minnesota CLE seminar, Energy Synergy: Melding the Green Economy and the Law. Bob spoke with Brad Lehrman on "Governing Green: The Use of 'Green Policies' in Corporate Strategy (Or...Did Your Client Make the Newsweek 100 Green...
Family Law; How Far Have We Really Come?
Kay Hunt spoke on October 27, 2009 at Gender Fairness in the Courts: A 20 Year Retrospective, held in conjunction with the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Kay presented with Susan Rhode on “Family Law: How Far Have We Really Come?”
Verdicts, JMOL, Post-Trial Procedures & Motions
Kay Hunt spoke at a Minnesota CLE seminar, How to Litigate the Civil Case in Minnesota on October 22, 2009. Kay presented on “Verdicts, JMOL, Post-Trial Procedures & Motions (including preserving the right to appeal).”
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