Lommen Abdo litigator John Crawford is the editor of the Minnesota Insurance Law Deskbook that was updated this year with its publisher, Minnesota Continuing Legal Education. John and Kay Nord Hunt also updated Chapter 15, Select Commercial General Liability Policy Exclusions, and Chapter 16, Automobile Liability Coverage. Topics within the Commercial Liability Policy Exclusions section include the care, custody or control exclusion, the owned property exclusion, the contractual liability exclusion, the insured’s work exclusion, the insured’s products exclusion, the “sister ship” and “product recall” exclusions and other exclusions. The Automobile Liability Coverage section discusses the requirement of automobile liability coverage, who is the owner for purposes of liability coverage, who is insured under the liability coverage, what vehicles are covered under liability coverage, what is excluded from coverage, overlapping coverages and factors triggering reduction or cancellation of liability coverage.
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