NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Get to Know Nathan Heffernan

Get to Know Nathan Heffernan

At Lommen Abdo, we are always looking to bring in the best attorneys to serve the needs of our clients in Minnesota and Wisconsin. We are very happy to introduce the newest member of our team, attorney Nathan Heffernan. Nathan’s practice is focused on business and...

Lommen Abdo Rocks Socktober

Lommen Abdo Rocks Socktober

Collecting Socks for People Incorporated Lommen Abdo hosted Socktober, a fundraising drive collecting socks in support of People Incorporated during the last part of October. People Incorporated is a non-profit organization that provides mental health care services to...

Do You Have a Shoulder Injury From a Vaccination?

Do You Have a Shoulder Injury From a Vaccination?

It is common to experience side effects like a sore arm or a low grade fever from a vaccination. However, you should be aware that vaccines can cause shoulder injury related to vaccination (SIRVA) when administered incorrectly. Common Contributing Factors The most...

Minnesota’s Collateral Order Doctrine Turns 20

Minnesota’s Collateral Order Doctrine Turns 20

Twenty years ago, the Minnesota Supreme Court formally adopted the collateral order doctrine in Kastner v. Star Trails Ass’n, 646 N.W.2d 235 (Minn. 2002). In the years since then, the appellate courts have applied the doctrine several times, but it remains a...

The Rare Remedy of Writs

The Rare Remedy of Writs

The appellate rules specifically list the types of trial court decisions that can be appealed. Usually this requires a final judgment, which occurs at the very end of the litigation in the trial court. But on rare occasions, a trial court may make a decision that is...

How to Proceed When Dying Doesn’t Kill Your Case

How to Proceed When Dying Doesn’t Kill Your Case

One of the important but often overlooked Federal Rules of Civil Procedure is Rule 25, which allows for substitution when a party has died. This Rule was recently addressed by the Eighth Circuit in Benacquisto v. Am. Express Fin. Corp., 2022 WL 3133437 (8th Cir. Aug....

Lommen Abdo News – September 2022

Lommen Abdo News – September 2022

The next edition of our newsletter is ready for review and includes these articles: Ramifications for insurance providers in policy wording Deciding whether and when to appeal The continuation of Josh Feneis’s blog on standing up for a father and his daughter. New...

Lommen Abdo Packs at the Park

Lommen Abdo Packs at the Park

Lommen Abdo team members recently got out in the community and participated in the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Pack at the Park event. This is the first year Lommen Abdo employees have packed food but they look forward to making this an annual event! Feed My...

Get to Know Heidi Torvik

Get to Know Heidi Torvik

The needs of our clients are varied and extensive, and with that in mind, we are continually cultivating the best team of attorneys to serve our client base. Heidi Torvik has recently joined us, focusing on medical malpractice, motor vehicle accidents, products...

The Long Road to Reversal (or Affirmance)

The Long Road to Reversal (or Affirmance)

One consideration in deciding whether to appeal is how long it will take to obtain a decision from the appellate court. Luckily, most appeals in Minnesota follow a fairly predictable timeline, so it is possible to plan ahead. Ordering Transcripts The first step after...

Counting Down to Your Appeal Deadline

Counting Down to Your Appeal Deadline

Whenever you are considering appealing a district court decision, it is crucial to immediately calculate the appeal deadline. Unlike some other court deadlines, the appeal deadline generally cannot be extended or waived the court. If you miss the deadline, you lose...

Get to Know Joe Simmer

Get to Know Joe Simmer

Collaboration is one of our core tenants, along with caring deeply about our clients and keeping them at the center of all we do. When we invited Joe Simmer to join our dynamic and expanding team, we knew he would be the right fit when he explained his desire to...

Ambiguity in Insurance Policy Leads to Award for Homeowner

Ambiguity in Insurance Policy Leads to Award for Homeowner

A Warning to Insurance Companies The Minnesota Court of Appeals issued an opinion on June 6, 2022 which could have ramifications for other insurance providers.  After the decision in Wesser v. State Farm Fire and Casualty, despite language in their policy, State Farm...

Lommen Abdo News – May 2022

Lommen Abdo News – May 2022

The next edition of our newsletter is ready for review and includes these articles: Kathleen Loucks’ Minnesota Lawyer article: Why are COVID vaccine injuries treated differently? New shareholders: Kelly Sofio, Michelle Kuhl and Wade Johnson. Factors to consider when...

Family Law is Complicated, But Also Beautiful

Family Law is Complicated, But Also Beautiful

Make sure to read part one of my blog series to catch up on this complicated family law case from Minnesota. My client showed up for every supervised visit, getting to know his now three-year-old daughter and becoming a familiar adult in her life. At this point, he...

The Right Choice

Do you have a legal question? Contact us today. We are here to help you!