John Crawford authored an article in July of 2010 for the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section titled “Minor Compromises: State by State Summary (Minnesota). Read the full article.
Brent Johnson: A 2010 Leader in the Law
Lommen Abdo's Brent Johnson was among 23 attorneys spotlighted by the Wisconsin Law Journal as individuals who consistently give their best to their clients, to the administration of justice, and to the organizations they enrich through their outside efforts. He was...
Employers Who Regularly Lay Off/Recall Workers Should be Aware of New Minnesota Case Law
On February 16, 2010, the Minnesota Court of Appeals, in McNeilly v. Department of Employment and Economic Development (A09-895), ruled that employees subject to regular seasonal lay-offs, who anticipate returning to work with their same employer, are still obligated...
Mike Keyes Moves to Lommen Abdo
Lommen Abdo welcomed Michael E. Keyes as a shareholder on January 12, 2010. Mike is an experienced commercial litigator who focuses in the areas of professional liability, securities fraud and complex business litigation. He represents partnerships, corporations and...
Lommen Abdo’s Alternative Billing Methods
We invite you to talk with us about alternatives to traditional hourly billing rates. We have traditionally charged for most legal work on an hourly basis and continue to do so in most instances. However, alternative billing methods can provide you with greater...
Nonprofit Organization Check-Up
Now is the right time to review and evaluate the organization and operation of your nonprofit organization. Enforcement activity of tax-exempt organizations has increased exponentially by both the Internal Revenue Service and states attorneys general. Failure to...
How Minnesota Nice Affects Board Decisions
In managing the business and affairs of a corporation, a Board of Directors has a great deal of power and authority and few restrictions. Each individual director must, however, comply with the legally required standard of conduct. Minnesota law provides that a...
Lommen Abdo Successful in ‘Ungating’ Hedge Fund Investment
Lommen Abdo attorneys Barry O’Neil and Tom Dougherty successfully “ungated” a hedge fund investment on behalf of the firm’s client, a limited partner investor. Here is the background: The client purchased a limited partnership interest from the hedge fund in 2005. The...
Comparative/Contributory Negligence and Joint and Several Liability: State by State Summary (Minnesota)
John Crawford co-authored an article in July of 2009 for the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section titled “Comparative/Contributory Negligence and Joint and Several Liability: State by State Summary (Minnesota). Read the full article.
From the Defense: How to Combat a Deepening Insolvency Claim
Mike Keyes authored the article, "From the Defense: How to Combat a Deepening Insolvency Claim," which appeared in the Journal of Accountancy in 2008.
Spoliation of Evidence: State by State Summary (Minnesota)
John Crawford authored an article in July of 2008 for the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section titled “Spoliation of Evidence: State by State Summary (Minnesota). Read the full article.
Punitive Damages in Commercial Transportation: State by State Summary (Minnesota)
John Crawford authored an article in 2007 for the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section titled “Punitive Damages in Commercial Transportation: State by State Summary (Minnesota). Read the full article.
No-Fault or Our Fault? Ideas on How We Can Solve Many of Our Own No-Fault Problems
Bodily injury liability filings and verdicts are lower than any time in the last decade, but No-Fault filings and awards are higher than ever. Our carriers are deluged with No-Fault claims which often are worth several thousand dollars before the carrier gets its...
Medical Managed Care Reimbursement: Unjust to Constitutional
By Margie Bodas. Appeared in Minnesota Medicine, October 2000
Legal Profession at the Crossroads
Phil Cole authored an article which appeared in the September 1999 Bench & Bar, "Legal Profession at the Crossroads."
Other People’s Money: Financing the Low-Budget Independent Feature Film
Bob Abdo authored an article which appeared in the Fall 1988 Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, "Other People's Money: Financing the Low-Budget Independent Feature Film."
Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook
By Bob Abdo. 1998 to 2000.
Recent Developments in Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Reid Lindquist co-authored an article which appeared in the Fall 1994 Minnesota Defense, "Recent Developments in Uninsured Motorist Coverage."
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