NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Lommen Abdo’s New Board

June 26, 2019 Jason Engkjer, Bryan Feldhaus and Brent Johnson have each been elected to a two-year term on Lommen Abdo's board. Mike Glover, Kathleen Loucks and Barry O'Neil continue their two-year terms and Marc Johannsen is serving his second year as President....

Preparing for and Surviving a Business Divorce

Preparing for and Surviving a Business Divorce

Just like in a marriage, no one at the outset of a closely held company expects things to go south and end in divorce. But just like in a marriage, the best time to address what will happen if things do not go as hoped is at the outset when everyone is excited and...

Getting it done right or ready to fight, we mean business!

Getting it done right or ready to fight, we mean business!

Whether you need to make sure it’s done right or you are ready to take on a fight, we’ve got you covered! Attorney Matt Hartranft can help from either the buy or sell side of an M&A transaction and can advise on general corporate matters such as formation, real...

Effective Compliance in Small-to-Midsize Businesses

The article below appeared in the May/June 2019 Upsize Minnesota magazine. Small-to-midsize businesses (SMBs) are not immune to compliance risks. To manage those risks, businesses must develop compliance programs that are specific and effective. That can be done by...

Estate Planning for Peace of Mind

Cameron Kelly presented on May 2nd to employees at Hutchinson Technology, Inc., a TDK Company, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, during their Financial Wellness Week.  He provided information on death and incapacity planning, probate, and basic estate planning documents such...

News You Can Use First Quarter 2020

News You Can Use First Quarter 2020

Impact of Stay Home orders on employees and employers; Contractual rights if one party cannot now perform; Making a will or healthcare directive during the pandemic; Phil Cole retires after more than 50 years and Jamie Johnson celebrates 30th anniversary; Two new...

Commercial Litigation Q&A by Lauren Nuffort

Why is early involvement so important in property subrogation? [Transcript] Why are contracts so important in construction defect litigation? [Transcript] What is a rewarding aspect in your practice as a professional liability defense attorney? [Transcript] View all...

The Right Choice

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