NEWS – Lommen Abdo

2017 Snowbird Update

2017 Snowbird Update

There have been significant well publicized estate planning legislative updates in 2017, including the increase in the Minnesota estate tax exemption amount and the proposed repeal of the federal exemption. Two lesser-known changes impact one of Minnesota’s most...

2017 Year-End Estate Planning Checklist

2017 Year-End Estate Planning Checklist

As the end of the year approaches and with the holiday season in full swing, estate planning isn’t typically at the top of most people’s wish lists. Nevertheless, it is important not to move on to 2018 new year’s resolutions without tying up the loose ends from the...

Electronic Logging Devices

Mike Glover spoke at the Marsh & McLennan Agency in Bloomington, Minnesota, on December 5, 2017.  Mike presented, along with an FMCSA representative, various legal, regulatory, and compliance issues relating to the December 2017 implementation date for...

Appeals & Insurance Coverage Q&A with Kay Nord Hunt:

What advantages do you see in working with an appellate advocate? [Transcript] Kay Hunt's appellate experience - handled over 600 appeals. [Transcript] How do you weigh the cost/benefit analysis of appealing a decision? [Transcript] View all of the videos from this...

Federal Hours of Service

Mike Glover spoke on logging issues, enforcement and the ELD (Electronic Logging Device) mandate at the 2017 Risk Management Summit in the Federal  Hours of Service breakout session on October 17, 2017.  Co-presenters were Elmer Johnson, Retired DOT NHP; Maureen Levy...

Case Law Update

Case Law Update

Farmers Were Not “Farmers” for Purposes of Conservation Easement Charitable Deduction Rutkoski v. Comissioner, 149 T.C. 6 (August 7, 2017). THE PARTIES: Mark Rutkoske and Felix Rutkoske are brothers who engaged in a farming operation through various business entities...

Minneapolis Sick and Safe Time Ordinance

SEPTEMBER 2017 UPDATE: Looking Good, Richfield!  Minnesota Court of Appeals Affirms Lower Court’s Temporary Ban on Enforcement for Employers Located Outside the City of Minneapolis As we wrote about a few months ago, Minneapolis’s controversial Sick and Safe Time...



There is often confusion regarding what a guardianship is and whether it may be necessary for a friend or loved one. This article is meant to provide a general overview of guardianships in Minnesota. A guardianship is a relationship between a guardian, who is...

News You Can Use First Quarter 2018

News You Can Use First Quarter 2018

Do I still need an estate plan with the changes in the tax law? Receipt/payment of alimony will have different implications in 2019. Deduction for payment on confidential sexual harassment settlements ended. Our Hudson office is one of the top three finalists in the...

The Right Choice

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