NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Current No-Fault Issues for Adjusters

Kelly Sofio presented a brief discussion on the latest trends in Minnesota no-fault filings, billing by medical providers, and the status of defenses at the 2016 Twin Cities Claims Association Annual Meeting.

Vaccine Law 101

Vaccine Law 101

Did you know that for vaccine injuries, while you need a lawyer who is admitted to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and a member of the Vaccine Bar, your lawyer does not need to be admitted in the same state where the injury occurred.  This means that Lommen Abdo can...

Eighth Circuit Affirms FLSA Exemption for Motor Carrier Loader

Eighth Circuit Affirms FLSA Exemption for Motor Carrier Loader

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals (covering Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska) recently reaffirmed that the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) -- not the Department of Labor (DOL) -- has jurisdiction to control...

Buyer Beware

Buyer Beware

Traditionally when we think of estate planning, we think of transferring assets upon death pursuant to wishes conveyed as part of a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Trust. Assets held in a revocable trust will pass directly to beneficiaries named in the trust...

IRA Trust Taxation and IRA Trusts at Administration

Cameron Kelly presented “IRA Trust Taxation and IRA Trusts at Administration” at the National Business Institute, on October 5, 2016.  A continuing education course provided to attorneys, financial planners, trust officers, accountants and CPA’s to relating to holding...

Jamie Johnson Participating in Dancing With the Hudson Stars

Lommen Abdo Attorney Jamie Johnson is one of the local celebrities in the 2016 Dancing with the Hudson Stars fun-draising event on September 17th! Jamie says I was "recruited" to be a contestant in the fundraising event.  While skeptical at first, I am having a blast...

Five Lommen Abdo Attorneys are 2017 Best Lawyers

Five Lommen Abdo Attorneys are 2017 Best Lawyers

Five Lommen Abdo attorneys are listed among the 2017 Best Lawyers. The list is compiled each year by The Best Lawyers in America©. The attorneys are: Phil Cole, listed in both legal malpractice law and personal injury litigation; Roger Stageberg, corporate; Kay Nord...

So You Want Your Child to Have the Family Home…

So You Want Your Child to Have the Family Home…

It seems to be a common theme.  Adult child lives with parent.  Maybe this is for financial reasons, or perhaps the child is acting as caretaker.  Parent wants child to have the home at the time of the parent’s death.  If the proper planning isn’t done, however, it’s...

Sick and Safe in Minneapolis

Following on the heels of several other cities, the City of Minneapolis jumped on the ever lengthening train of municipalities mandating paid time off for almost every employee working within the city limits. The ordinance, effective July 1, 2017, requires all but the...

Board Elections

Keith Broady has been re-elected to a two-year term as President of the Lommen Abdo Law Firm, a trial, business and entertainment law firm with offices in Minneapolis; Hudson, Wisconsin; and New York City. Bob Abdo, Bryan Feldhaus, Brent Johnson and Barry O’Neil were...

Lommen Abdo’s 2016 Super Lawyers

Twelve Lommen Abdo lawyers are listed on the 2016 Super Lawyers list and one attorney is listed on the 2016 Rising Stars list, as determined by Minnesota Super Lawyers. Kay Nord Hunt, chair of our Appellate Section, is listed in both the Top 100 Super Lawyers and the...

The Right Choice

Do you have a legal question? Contact us today. We are here to help you!