NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Basic Tax Planning

Cameron Kelly presented “Basic Tax Planning” at the National Business Institute webinar, Estate Planning from A to Z, on May 24 and May 25, 2016. A nationally broadcast continuing education course provided to attorneys, financial planners, trust officers, accountants...

When a Client Dies During…Litigation

At common law, a personal injury action abates with the death of either party.  The Supreme Court in Johnson v. Consolidated Frieghtways, Inc. discussed the rationale behind the common law: The old non-survival rule sprang from the medieval view of torts as a form of...

News You Can Use November/December 2016

News You Can Use November/December 2016

What’s in your employment contract?  Are the terms the same as J. Robinson’s? Who won jurisdiction to control certain interstate motor carrier employees? Where does the Minneapolis sick time ordinance stand? What issues arise in a shareholder dispute? Ken Abdo...

Fraudulent Transfer Law Now Voidable Transactions Law

In 2015, Minnesota adopted the new Uniform Voidable Transactions Act, which was recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. The new law replaces the Uniform Fraudulent Transfers Act, which dates back to 1987. Before 1987, the Uniform...

Appellate Case Preparation Start to Finish

Kay Hunt spoke at a six hour NBI webcast on April 1, 2016, Appellate Case Preparation Start to Finish. Kay spoke on “Making an Ethical Appeal” and “Oral Argument Techniques that Get Results.” Eric Magnuson and Stephen Buterin were co-presenters.   Program...

Grandma’s “Simple” Will – A Great Story!!

Grandma’s “Simple” Will – A Great Story!!

Grandma, bless her soul, was a generous lady. She wanted to name each grandchild in her will so that they would know how special each of them was to her. So, one day she decides to create her will with an on-line program. Keeping things simple, her will stated: All...

Love is in the February Air

February…the month of love. It got me thinking about marriage. So I hopped onto Urban Dictionary* to see how others define it. Among the traditional definitions, I found a few gems. One said marriage is "the number one cause of divorce." Another one states marriage is...

News You Can Use July/August 2016

News You Can Use July/August 2016

Federal civil right of action for trade secrets misappropriation created. Do you want to assure that enough money is set aside to take care of your pets after your death? Minneapolis requires paid sick and safe time for workers starting July 2017. Lommen Abdo expands...

Let’s get charitable in the New Year!

Are you required to take minimum distributions from your IRA but you don’t want or need the additional taxable income? Are you charitably inclined? On a temporary basis since 2006, IRA owners have had the ability to exclude up to $100,000 from gross income for...

The Right Choice

Do you have a legal question? Contact us today. We are here to help you!