NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Phil Cole Singled Out as Legal Malpractice Lawyer of the Year

Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, has named Phillip A. Cole as the “Minneapolis Best Lawyers Legal Malpractice Lawyer of the Year” for 2011. Cole is president of Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King & Stageberg. He...

Recitals in a Contract Do Not Create Binding Obligations

Contract recitals are often included at the beginning of an agreement to lay out the background of the deal. The Minnesota Court of Appeals recently addressed whether such recitals are binding and what happens when the recitals contain terms or obligations not...

Lommen Abdo Assists in Koua Fong Lee Release

Lommen Abdo was recently involved in the post-conviction hearing concerning Koua Fong Lee.  Kay Hunt, Bryan Feldhaus, Diane Odeen and Nick Dolejsi provided legal strategy, issue analysis and briefing support to Brent Schafer and Bob Hilliard, Lee’s lead counsel, in...

‘Going Green’ Must Start at Company’s Top

"'Going green' must start at the company's top," an article authored by Bob Abdo, Lommen Abdo, and Kim Carlson, EarthSmart LLC, was published in the April/May 2010 Upsize Minnesota Magazine.  Also in that issue is a profile discussing Lommen Abdo's own initiatives and...

Brent Johnson: A 2010 Leader in the Law

Lommen Abdo's Brent Johnson was among 23 attorneys spotlighted by the Wisconsin Law Journal as individuals who consistently give their best to their clients, to the administration of justice, and to the organizations they enrich through their outside efforts. He was...

Mike Keyes Moves to Lommen Abdo

Lommen Abdo welcomed Michael E. Keyes as a shareholder on January 12, 2010. Mike is an experienced commercial litigator who focuses in the areas of professional liability, securities fraud and complex business litigation. He represents partnerships, corporations and...

Lommen Abdo’s Alternative Billing Methods

We invite you to talk with us about alternatives to traditional hourly billing rates. We have traditionally charged for most legal work on an hourly basis and continue to do so in most instances. However, alternative billing methods can provide you with greater...

Nonprofit Organization Check-Up

Now is the right time to review and evaluate the organization and operation of your nonprofit organization. Enforcement activity of tax-exempt organizations has increased exponentially by both the Internal Revenue Service and states attorneys general. Failure to...

How Minnesota Nice Affects Board Decisions

In managing the business and affairs of a corporation, a Board of Directors has a great deal of power and authority and few restrictions. Each individual director must, however, comply with the legally required standard of conduct. Minnesota law provides that a...

Family Law; How Far Have We Really Come?

Kay Hunt spoke on October 27, 2009 at Gender Fairness in the Courts: A 20 Year Retrospective, held in conjunction with the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Kay presented with Susan Rhode on “Family Law: How Far Have We Really Come?”

Verdicts, JMOL, Post-Trial Procedures & Motions

Kay Hunt spoke at a Minnesota CLE seminar, How to Litigate the Civil Case in Minnesota on October 22, 2009. Kay presented on “Verdicts, JMOL, Post-Trial Procedures & Motions (including preserving the right to appeal).”

The Right Choice

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