NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Lommen Abdo News – December 2023

Lommen Abdo News – December 2023

The next edition of our newsletter is ready for review and includes these articles: Calculation of prejudgment interest by Michelle Kuhl and other appellate law topics; Mediation in Personal Injury Lawsuits by Jamie Johnson; Lommen Abdo’s Second Socktober Drive; And...

Special Considerations in Family Law Appeals

Special Considerations in Family Law Appeals

Family law appeals have several unique characteristics that are important for parties to understand before pursuing an appeal. This blog summarizes some of the most noteworthy features of family law appeals. Appellate Mediation Program Most family law cases in...

How Appeals Are Different Than Trial Court Proceedings

How Appeals Are Different Than Trial Court Proceedings

Appellate litigation is a unique practice area in which decisions of the trial court are appealed to the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court in the hopes of obtaining reversal or, if you are the respondent, of solidifying your victory once and for all. Almost by...

Special Considerations in Trust and Estate Appeals

Special Considerations in Trust and Estate Appeals

With any legal case, there are several factors to consider in deciding whether to appeal, as discussed in my previous blog, “To Appeal or Not to Appeal. That is the Question.” But in addition to those factors, there are certain features of trust and estate matters in...

Six Times to Call an Appellate Attorney

Six Times to Call an Appellate Attorney

It may seem obvious that the time to contact an appellate attorney is when you want to file an appeal. But there are benefits to getting an appellate attorney involved even during earlier stages of your case. Here are six times it might make sense to seek an appellate...

Lommen Abdo News – September 2023

Lommen Abdo News – September 2023

The next edition of our newsletter is ready for review and includes these articles: Guidance from the Minnesota Supreme Court on Filing Requirements of Rule 5.04(a). Joseph Wetch’s interview of HCBA President Nicole Kettwick. Chris Scott’s blogs on Summary Judgment...

Lommen Abdo’s Second Year at Pack at the Park

Lommen Abdo’s Second Year at Pack at the Park

For the second consecutive year, Lommen Abdo attorneys have continued their commitment to community service by actively participating in the impactful event known as Pack at the Park, presented by Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). This event, which we were proud to be...

Ten Lommen Abdo Attorneys Recognized as 2024 Best Lawyers®

Ten Lommen Abdo Attorneys Recognized as 2024 Best Lawyers®

We are thrilled to announce the outstanding Lommen Abdo attorneys who have earned the prestigious recognition of being named in the 2024 Edition of Best Lawyers. These accomplished legal professionals have demonstrated unwavering dedication, exceptional skills, and a...

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