What issues come up most in employment law litigation? [Transcript] What rights do minority shareholders have in a shareholder dispute? [Transcript] What is the first thing a business should do if served with a commercial litigation lawsuit? [Transcript] ...
Resolving Property Damage Insurance Claims
This year has again brought us countless hail and extreme weather events. In fact, only Texas has more hail claims per year than Minnesota. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that where there is property damage, insurance claims and disputes soon follow. Fortunately,...
Power of Attorneys and Trusts
Powers of Attorney and Trusts are two frequently used estate planning instruments. One of the most difficult decisions to make in relation to the drafting of a Power of Attorney or Trust as part of an estate plan is who shall handle your personal and financial...
Five Lommen Abdo Attorneys are Best Lawyers
Five Lommen Abdo attorneys are listed among the 2016 Best Lawyers. The list is compiled each year by The Best Lawyers in America©. The attorneys are: Phil Cole, listed in both legal malpractice law and personal injury litigation; Roger Stageberg, corporate; Kay Nord...
Vaccine Injury, Medical Malpractice & Civil Litigation Q&A with Kathleen Loucks:
Why would a client hire you? [Transcript] You’ve handled medical malpractice cases both for the plaintiffs and for the defendants – how does that impact your handling of any case? [Transcript] What should I look for in choosing a lawyer to handle my vaccine-related...
Deb Swenson Rejoins Lommen Abdo
Deb Swenson rejoined Lommen Abdo as a shareholder on September 15th. Deb works with clients to preserve their rights in bankruptcy through an active motion practice and defense of adversary proceedings, including preference actions, and other commercial litigation....
Brad Wicklund Selected as Unsung Legal Hero
Brad Wicklund was honored by Minnesota Lawyer as an Unsung Legal Hero at a luncheon on September 10th. Read the article which appeared in Minnesota Lawyer. Brad is shown below receiving his award and with a group from Lommen Abdo which attended the event. ...
The Unexpected Oil Spill
Most businesses assume that if they don’t handle hazardous materials they have little risk for toxic waste spills. But as longtime Lommen Abdo client Dennis Diaz of BGD Companies found, an environmental disaster can strike any time. Even when the spill is not your...
Vacation homes: What are your options for keeping it in the family?
Do you have a vacation home that you would love to keep in your family? Here are some ideas to ponder to make that happen! But first, you really do want to ask your children/grandchildren not only whether they are interested in continuing to own the vacation home, but...
Lommen Abdo’s 2015 Super Lawyers
Phil Cole (Litigation) and Kay Nord Hunt (Appellate), chair of our Appellate Section, are listed in Minnesota's Top 100 Super Lawyers, as determined by Minnesota Super Lawyers. Kay Nord Hunt is also listed in the Top 50 Women Super Lawyers. Others on the Super...
Family Law Q&A with Marc Johannsen:
How did the "best interest" factors change in 2015? [Transcript] What jurisdictional considerations do I need to keep in mind if I am getting a divorce and live in Minnesota while my spouse lives in Wisconsin? [Transcript] What custody rights do grandparents have to...
Civil Litigation Q&A with Keith Broady:
What types of issues do you see most often in your commercial litigation practice? [Transcript] What is the first thing I should do if my professional license is being threatened? [Transcript] What is your experience in civil litigation? [Transcript] View all of the...
Minnesota Implements Significant Family Law Reform
For the first time in a number of years, the Minnesota Legislature passed a series of significant reforms in the area of family law. The omnibus family law bill (S.F. 1191) signed by Governor Dayton on May 14, 2015, (1) rewrote the Best Interests of the Child Statute...
Jamie Johnson shares lessons learned in 25 years of practice
This spring of 2015 marks several milestones in my life: 25 years married to my wife, Jean; 25 years living in the Hudson community; and 25 years as a litigation attorney for the Lommen Abdo law firm. In those 25 years, I have learned many lessons relating to...
Downloading Technology in Legal Practice: Amendments to the Rules of Professional Conduct
Introduction Today’s tech tools, including mobile devices, cloud computing and social media, represent the new era of legal service. With those tools, among others, lawyers are able to better serve clients through increased efficiency, visibility and responsiveness....
Bryan Feldhaus Attains LL.M. Degree in Corporate Compliance and Organizational Ethics
Attorney Bryan Feldhaus graduated with his LL.M. degree in Corporate Compliance and Organizational Ethics from the University of St. Thomas School of Law on May 9th. Bryan was part of UST Law’s inaugural class in the LL.M. compliance program, which responds to the...
Appellate court confirms award to child and family from National Vaccine Injury Program
After ten years of litigation, Lommen Abdo clients Doug and Rhonda Paluck have prevailed in their request for compensation for their minor son for injuries he sustained as a result of receipt of childhood vaccines. In 2005, attorney Sheila Bjorklund filed a petition...
Court of Appeals: Child Entitled to Vaccine Program Compensation
Lommen Abdo Vaccine Group Attorney Sheila Bjorklund obtained a favorable United States Court of Appeals Decision on National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program claim in Paluck v. Secretary of Health and Human Services....
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