
Current No-Fault Issues for Adjusters

Kelly Sofio presented a brief discussion on the latest trends in Minnesota no-fault filings, billing by medical providers, and the status of defenses at the 2016 Twin Cities Claims Association Annual Meeting.

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Vaccine Law 101

Vaccine Law 101

Did you know that for vaccine injuries, while you need a lawyer who is admitted to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and a member of the Vaccine Bar, your lawyer does not need to be admitted in the same state where the injury occurred.  This means that Lommen Abdo can...

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Buyer Beware

Buyer Beware

Traditionally when we think of estate planning, we think of transferring assets upon death pursuant to wishes conveyed as part of a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Trust. Assets held in a revocable trust will pass directly to beneficiaries named in the trust...

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When a Client Dies During…Litigation

At common law, a personal injury action abates with the death of either party.  The Supreme Court in Johnson v. Consolidated Frieghtways, Inc. discussed the rationale behind the common law: The old non-survival rule sprang from the medieval view of torts as a form of...

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Appellate Case Preparation Start to Finish

Kay Hunt spoke at a six hour NBI webcast on April 1, 2016, Appellate Case Preparation Start to Finish. Kay spoke on “Making an Ethical Appeal” and “Oral Argument Techniques that Get Results.” Eric Magnuson and Stephen Buterin were co-presenters.   Program...

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Recovering the Cost of Code Required Repairs

Lauren Nuffort and Jessica Allen authored an article which appeared in the Winter 2015 Subrogator® Magazine (Page 42).   Article summary: What happens to the costs and expenses associated with conforming a damaged building to current building and safety code...

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The Right Choice

Do you have a legal question? Contact us today. We are here to help you!