NEWS – Lommen Abdo

Construction Litigation: Lessons from the Trenches Part II

Keith Broady, Lauren Nuffort and Mike Moline participated in a seminar on June 13, 2018 which was presented by the Minnesota Construction Association, "Construction Litigation: Lessons from the Trenches Part II." Keith Broady, Lauren Nuffort and Karl Yeager of Meagher...

News You Can Use Third Quarter 2018

News You Can Use Third Quarter 2018

Can the state of Minnesota tax your trust? Trial court allows employment type claims to proceed based on actions of independent contractor. Have you met Lommen Abdo’s new president and board members? Lommen Abdo generations carry on tradition of legal malpractice...

With tax changes, do I still need estate planning?

With tax changes, do I still need estate planning?

When people think about estate planning, the estate tax is one of the first things that comes to mind. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by President Trump on December 22, 2017 brought significant changes to the transfer of wealth, including increasing the...

How the New Tax Law Will Affect Divorce Payments

How the New Tax Law Will Affect Divorce Payments

Late last year, Congress and the President enacted sweeping new tax legislation that fundamentally affects the family both during marriage and following divorce.  The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (“TCJA”) made four key changes of which you should be immediately aware....

Trusts 101

Cameron Kelly and Jesse Beier spoke with Steve Sorenson at an NBI seminar, Trusts 101, on June 18, 2018 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.   Program Description Provide your clients with the full spectrum of wealth preservation options. When assessing complex information,...

When Should I Update My Estate Plan?

When Should I Update My Estate Plan?

I recently worked with a client after his spouse passed away. Their revocable living trust had been drafted in 2000 by a competent attorney.  At that time, the federal estate tax exemption was $675,000.  The estate tax exemption is the amount of money that a person...

Estate Planning From A to Z

Cameron Kelly spoke on February 13, 2018 at an NBI webcast, Estate Planning from A to Z. Cameron presented on two topics, “Basic Tax Planning” and “Trusts 101.”   Grow a Successful Estate Planning Practice Are you ready to grow your own successful estate planning...

Technological Literacy: The New Normal for Legal Practice

Technological Literacy: The New Normal for Legal Practice

The Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct now require a lawyer to maintain technological literacy in legal practice. Such technological literacy is critical because lawyers are attractive, and increasingly frequent, targets of cyber criminals. To develop...

No-Fault Here and Now and What Is on the Horizon

Kelly Sofio was a panelist in a session titled "No-Fault Here and Now and What Is on the Horizon" at the 2017 Twin Cities Claims Association Annual Winter Seminar.  The no-fault panel discussed pertinent no-fault issues and ways to deal with the creative and crafty...

Statute 62Q Defense and the Supreme Court

Kelly Sofio presented to the MDLA Motor Vehicle Committee on her Court of Appeals Opinion on Western National Ins. Co. v. Jon Nguyen (A17-0314) on 62Q.75 and its applicability to Minnesota No-Fault.

No-Fault Trends

Attorney Kelly Sofio provided first-hand experience on current trends in no-fault arbitration claims at the Twin Cities Claims Association Annual Meeting in 2017.

Motor Carriers and New Electronic Logging Device Regulations

Motor Carriers and New Electronic Logging Device Regulations

For businesses involved in the interstate transportation of goods by truck, December 2017 brings an important change – into the electronic age – as to how drivers must keep track of their working hours. For many decades the federal government limited the number hours...

News You Can Use Second Quarter 2018

News You Can Use Second Quarter 2018

Learn how to avoid threats from issues you didn’t even know were lurking. Wisconsin families can sign up for one-time $100 tax rebate. How do you choose a guardian for your children? Marc Johannsen honored by Northern Star Council of Boy Scouts. Cameron Kelly...

2017 Estate Tax Update

2017 Estate Tax Update

From comprehensive tax reform making its way through congress, to the changes to the Minnesota estate tax, it has been an eventful year for estate planning. While tax changes are not the most exciting topic for many of our clients, it is a topic that continues to be...

The Right Choice

Do you have a legal question? Contact us today. We are here to help you!